MNPS Numeracy Vision Statement
Our goal at Mooroopna North Primary School is to provide a meaningful Numeracy program that is based on best practice and current research, encouraging our students to become accurate, efficient and flexible problem solvers.
We recognise that students learn best when they are engaged in rich and meaningful problems, where students have the opportunity to model their understanding using a range of learning materials. By incorporating ICT and concrete materials throughout all year levels, students are able to better understand mathematical concepts. Where possible, these experiences will be facilitated through a range of activities including; skill-based games, open-ended investigations and challenging mathematical tasks that allow for the implementation of thinking, reasoning and communication.
We understand and value our students’ knowledge and experience and aim to cater to their individual learning abilities through tailored, hands-
on and meaningful investigations. We value and acknowledge that students achievements are consistent when they; know their expectations, have an inviting learning environment and engage in scaffolded experiences to further their learning.
Teachers will endeavour to make tasks relatable to students while encouraging them to lead their own learning. Asking questions, taking risks and being curious learners will help to develop problem solving skills that can be applied to real world problems.
Teachers will ensure that numeracy classrooms are a place where; everyone can learn math to the best of their abilities, mistakes are valuable, questions are important, math is about making sense and creativity, connections and communicating are important, depth is more important than speed and math is about learning, not performing (7 Classroom Norms).
We will use data from pre/post testing and the Victorian curriculum to inform our teaching and to assess individual student growth. Providing regular and constructive feedback to students about their achievements and next steps. We will work collaboratively, share our learnings and celebrate our achievements, both together as staff and with students.
We will strive to improve educational outcomes and foster a love of Numeracy.